"My Last Day with Jake"
by Mary Linn

On 3-21-99 at 4:00 p.m. I felt a calling to sit here by Our Blessed Mother and write my last moments with Jake . . . A dove cooed (3 times) and I was once again blessed.

My last precious moments with Jake. It was Sunday March 7, 1999, I had been at church all morning working the Respect Life table. This was a special Sunday because I had a speaker from Holy Family Services speak after all the Masses on "adoption". After the noon Mass, I went home for a short break and returned at 4:00 P.M. to get the table ready for the 5:00 P.M. Mass. A few minutes after Mass had begun, Jake arrived . . . he came over to give me a hug and said he would see me after Mass. Jake came just after Communion and shared with me the following . . .

"Mom, that was the most beautiful gospel I have ever heard, "The Women At The Well" [The Samaritan Women >John 4: 1-42] . . .

"Jesus telling her every thing she had ever done . . . Mom, they should read this gospel more often", Jake exclaimed.

"I love you mom"

"Jake" I said, with joy welling up in my heart (because I knew Jesus as spoke directly to his heart) "Do you want to come over for dinner"?

"No" he said, "I've got to get home and study"

I said, "I love you honey"

He said, "I love you mom"

We hugged and kissed goodbye

Little did I know, this would be our last words and embrace, until we are together in the "Light" everlasting!

"I love you Jake" Love, Mom

Blessing: when I began to write my last moments with Jake the dove continue to "coo,coo,coo", 7 more times, the last one was fading away.